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Energy and Sustainable Environment

Books and E-books

Use Explore to search for print and online books. Request items via the Click and Collect Service and choose the pick-up library of your choice. 

Top tip: To focus your results to print resources, limit your search to 'Library Catalogue'

New Energy & Sustainable Environment Books

Energy and the Environment: Exploring the Nexus under International Economic Law
 Clean and renewable energy production
Sustainable cities in a changing climate : enhancing urban resilience
Transform!: Designing the Future of Energy
Housing for Hope and Wellbeing
Nature-based solutions for cities
 Smart cities and digital transformation : empowering communities, limitless innovation, sustainable development and the next generation
The Renewable Energy-Water-Environment Nexus: Fundamentals, Technology, and Policy

UCL Press

UCL Press Logo

UCL Press is a leading open access scholarly publisher, publishing mainly scholarly monographs, edited collections, textbooks and journals.

Everything they publish is available to download freely in PDF form or to read online anywhere in the world, without the need to log in.

Follow the links below to browse what they have published on the subjects of the Built Environment: