E-journals - thousands of e-journals are available online, via the UCL e-journals collection. You can search for a particular journal title, or browse; you can browse a subset of neurology journals by clicking the Subject tab, selecting the category Health Sciences and the sub-category Neurology. Remember that some journals are not available online and you may need to use print collections.
Journals in print format - the main print journal collection for neurology, neurosurgery and neuroscience is in the Queen Square Library, based at the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, while other relevant printed materials can be found in the medicine collections across UCL Library Services. To find out where a print journal is located, search Explore and limit your search to 'Journal titles'.
Some print journals are available on open shelves within the library collections while others, especially older volumes, may be kept in closed stores. If Explore shows the location 'Stores', the item is kept in UCL Stores and you will need to place a store request. Some libraries have local stores, for example the location 'Neurology' with a 'STORE' collection code means that the journal is kept in the Neurology Store in Queen Square (you may place a request in person, by phone or by email).