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Library Services




A subject guide providing links to library resources available for students and staff in the Division of Biosciences at UCL.

Books and e-books

The library catalogue (called Explore) is the principal tool to find books, journals and other materials (either in print or in electronic format) held in UCL libraries.

E-books can be accessed through Explore on any device, from anywhere and at any time. More information about e-book services and electronic resources at UCL.

How can you tell if a book is available online?

On UCL Explore, you can look at the results of your search to quickly discover if a book is available in print or/and online: View Online means that the book is available electronically, while Available means that the book is available in print. In some cases a book is available both in print and online.

E-books Explore screenshot

E-book collections for Biosciences

Collections of e-books may be browsed or searched. All full text services are included in Explore and the database list

Print collections

The physical book and journal collections for Biosciences are located in the Science Library (the DMS Watson building). On the catalogue, you will find the details with the details of the location of the materials you are looking for: library site, collection and shelfmark.

Key collections include:

  • Biology (UCL Science Library, 1st floor) - Biological studies (general), mathematical and statistical biology, ecology and biogeography, microbiology, genetics and evolutionary biology.
  • Botany (UCL Science Library, 1st floor) - Specialist areas include plant pathology, conservation and fungi.
  • Medical Sciences (UCL Science Library, 2nd floor) - The main Medical Sciences collection consists of all areas of studies including human anatomy and physiology, cellular biology, molecular biology, developmental biology, genetics, biochemistry, neuroscience, pharmacology, pathology, immunology and history of medicine.
  • Zoology (UCL Science Library, 1st floor) - Animal ecology, conservation, physiology, biochemistry, developmental biology and animal behaviour. Specialist areas include entomology, vertebrates and marine and freshwater biology.

A number of other subject collections and biomedicine and health libraries at UCL Library Services also hold relevant material. 

If a book location is listed as 'Stores', the item is kept in UCL Stores and you will need to place a store request.

Due to the current circumstances, Library Services are offering a click & collect service for print materials.  

Other UCL collections

The following UCL Biomedicine and Health Libraries may hold relevant material;

​​​​​​The following Science Library collections and subject guides may be relevant;