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This guide has been put together by the Geography Subject Librarian and it is relevant to all students in the Department of Geography. You will find here an overview of the library resources and support available to you to help you in your studies or research.
Use the menu to find out what is available, including key information on:
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Key electronic resources in your subject area include:
Border and Migration Studies Online is a collection that explores and provides historical background on more than thirty key worldwide border areas, including: U.S. and Mexico; the European Union; Afghanistan; Israel; Turkey; The Congo; Argentina; China; Thailand; and others. Accessibility statement for Border and Migration Studies Online.
Access for UCL students and staff only. Users must register with their UCL username and password on first use and agree to licence conditions. Online digital mapping and data extraction facilities using Ordnance Survey data of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Login and choose "Ordnance Survey". Includes the Improvement Service, LandClan Collection, OS National Geographic Database, OS Northern Ireland data and the National Tree Map Collection.
This reference collection contains trusted, peer-reviewed, comprehensive content from Elsevier's reference works. It contains "Featured Articles" for quick, clear overviews and subject hierarchies to put information in context. Accessibility statement for ScienceDirect.
See the LibrarySkills@UCL guide to EBSCOhost. Index of scholarly, government and general-interest publications, covering all aspects of human impact on the environment.
See the LibrarySkills@UCL guide to Scopus. Multi-disciplinary database containing references to journal articles, conference proceedings, trade publications, book series and web resources. Please use IE 8 or higher, Google Chrome or Firefox browsers.