The principal book collection for Geography is located on the first floor of the Science Library.
Explore is UCL's library catalogue. This is the principal tool to find books, journals and other materials (either in print or in electronic format) held in UCL libraries. On the catalogue, you will find details such as: library site, collection and shelfmark, when you are looking for print resources. In order to access e-books via Explore, you will always need your UCL user ID and password.
Print books are arranged on the shelves according to their shelfmark. For example:
GEOGRAPHY H 72 MOR for a book on the human impact on the environment
GEOGRAPHY E 45 CAM for a book on wetlands
The Bartlett Library holds planning and architecture material.
Consult introductory material or general reference works for a broad overview of your issue or topic, and to identify key concepts, theories and researchers in the field. Introductory material may include:
Find introductory material in Explore by combining a topic keyword with one of the material type descriptors above, e.g. Handbook AND Geography.
These are some examples of introductory material available electronically for Geography. The list is not extensive, and you should perform your own searches on Explore to see what else is available in print in UCL Libraries.
UCL Library Services off-site store is a closed access collection which houses important research material not currently in high demand. The material at this site will have 'Store' as its location on Explore. Users can request store material for delivery to the Science Library. Users should complete a Store Request Form in order to request material from this location.
A brief guide to finding and accessing e-books via UCL Explore.
On UCL Explore, you can look at the results of your search to quickly discover if a book is available in print or/and online: View Online means that the book is available electronically, while Available means that the book is available in print. In some cases a book is available both in print and online.
Check out our Explore guide to find out more about how to use Explore for your research.
ReadingLists @UCL is an online service that gives students easy access to materials on their reading lists wherever they are, and allows academic staff to create and update their own reading lists.