Library Services
You can search for journal titles and journal articles in Explore.
You can also search, or browse, a comprehensive list of online journals available at UCL. A link to this list is at the top of the Explore home screen.
Information on virtually every active and ceased periodical (journal), annual, irregular publication, and monographic series published throughout the world, plus thousands of newpapers.
A wide range of journals publish information and research relevant to global health and development. Key titles include:
Check out our Explore guide to find out more about how to use Explore for your research.
If you know the title of the article you need, you can enter it directly in the Explore search box. If UCL Libraries have an electronic subscription to the journal in which the article is published, you will be able to download the full-text. See our Explore Guide for more information.
The same applies if you're looking for a journal article using one of the many article-specific UCL Databases. When you are looking at the results of your search in one of these databases, select a Findit@UCL link, which you can usually see next to each result, to check whether UCL has full-text access to an article.