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Library Services



Modern languages

A subject guide for the UCL School of European Languages, Culture and Society (SELCS)

Books and e-books

The principal collections for Modern Languages: French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romance, German, Germanic and Scandinavian languages (including Faroese), are located on 1st floor, North end, of the Main Library. The Dutch collection is located on the 2nd floor, South end, of the Main library.

The library catalogue is the principal tool to find books, journals and other materials (either in print or in electronic format) held in UCL libraries. On the catalogue, you will find the details of the location of the materials you are looking for: library site, collection and shelfmark.

Other collections

  • Art includes Film Studies.
  • History and Latin American History: for individual European and Latin American countries' political, social and economic history.
  • Literature: includes books on literary topics not specific to any one language, literary theory, literature translated into English.
  • Philosophy: books and periodicals on European philosophy.
  • Translation Studies: for materials on translation theory, literary translation and specialised translation.
  • Anthropology: materials relating to Spanish and Latin American cultural studies.
  • Geography includes a good collection on French social history.

The Language & Speech Science (LASS) Library holds books and periodicals on the theory and practice of language study. 

School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) library: includes major holdings of the history and literature of East Germany and other German-speaking areas, Finland and the Baltic region.

How can you tell if a book is available online?

On UCL Explore, you can look at the results of your search to quickly discover if a book is available in print or/and online: View Online means that the book is available electronically, while Available means that the book is available in print. In some cases a book is available both in print and online.

E-books Explore screenshot