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Library Services




A subject guide providing links to library resources available for psychology students and staff in UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences.

APA Style

APA Style is the style guide of the American Psychological Association and is now in it's 7th edition. UCL Library holds the latest publication manual in print and as an e-textbook.

The APA website offers Instructional Aids and Tutorials and Webinars for anyone looking to improve their knowledge of APA Style. 

An updated UCL Guide on using APA provides more detail.

Access the e-textbook for the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association

Referencing and avoiding plagiarism resources

Referencing and avoiding plagiarism tutorial

Reference management software

Reference management software packages can help you:

  • Create a personal database of references relevant to you, along with associated files.
  • Insert references into a Word document and format them automatically in a citation style of your choice.
  • De-duplicate references retrieved from multiple sources.
  • Share references with others.

There is a range of different software available; UCL Library Services provides support and guidance for Endnote, Zotero and Mendeley. These are all available to download for free or under UCL licences.