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Translation Studies

A subject guide for the UCL Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS) at SELCS

Journals and e-journals

Translation studies journals are primarily available electronically and they can found by searching the library catalogue.

Here a list of key journals in your subject area:

The library subscribes to print journals, or periodicals, for some subjects such as languages. Print journals are usually Reference only, this means they cannot be borrowed. Recent issues of print journals are on the open shelves while older volumes are kept at STORE and have to be requested, in advance, either via the library catalogue or the Stores request form.

More on journal articles

If you know the title of the article you need, you can enter it directly in the Explore search box. If UCL Libraries have an electronic subscription to the journal in which the article is published, this will appear in your results list and you can download the full-text following the instructions provided.  The same applies if you're looking for a journal article using one of the many article-specific UCL Databases. 

Finding the full-text

Find IT@UCL logo

If you're using one of our databases to find journal articles, you might not be able to read the article within the database itself. If you see the Findit@UCL icon, click on it to link to the full-text

Sometimes you will see a link to the publisher's site. Unless the article is open access, you might find that you can't reach the full-text.

Clicking on the Findit@UCL link instead will link you to the full-text via UCL's subscription access, if available.

If you're using Google Scholar you can set up the Library Links feature so that it will display a findit@UCL link to help show you which articles are available via UCL subscriptions. 

Types of periodical publications

Used to disseminate scholarly information that relates to a particular academic discipline. They are aimed at researchers and are often peer-reviewed, which means that articles are evaluated by experts in the field before publication to ensure the information in them is accurate and well presented. An example of academic journal is the Translator

Generally printed on glossy paper (but can also be available online), they are aimed at a more general audience than academic journals and can include opinions and news items too. An example of magazine is the Times Educational Supplement.  

Published on a daily basis, the focus of these is on news items. They can include a section on education, but are wide in scope. An example of newspaper is The Guardian

Usually published by a special group, learned society or professional organisation and aimed at people working in a specific industry. An example of trade publication is Teach Primary.