Most journals are subject specific and will include research by Black scholars. Cross-search many journals at once using subject keywords or an author's name in UCL Explore or one of the databases. For a more comprehensive search for journal articles both in and beyond UCL's collections, see our guide to literature searching.
Many journals are available electronically and can be read online. They can be found by searching UCL Explore, either using subject keywords or a specific title. The content of e-journals can be discovered in Explore by selecting the 'Journal articles' option from the drop-down menu before running your search, or you can cross search many e-journals at once by using a database.
Print journals
Some journals may only be available in print - you will find details of which library you can access them at in the UCL Explore record for the journal.
Print journals (also referred to as periodicals) usually cannot be borrowed. Recent issues are available in the library while older volumes are kept at STORE and need to be ordered in advance via our Stores service. The content of print journals can often be discovered by using the appropriate database.
Here is a list of key titles that focus on topics of particular relevance to Black Studies:
If you're using one of our databases to find journal articles, you might not be able to read the article within the database itself. If you see the Findit@UCL icon, click on it to link to the full-text
Sometimes you will see a link to the publisher's site. Unless the article is open access, you might find that you can't reach the full-text.
Clicking on the Findit@UCL link instead will link you to the full-text via UCL's subscription access, if available.
If you're using Google Scholar you can set up the Library Links feature so that it will display a findit@UCL link to help show you which articles are available via UCL subscriptions.
Check out our Explore guide to find out more about how to use Explore for your research.
If you know the title of the article you need, you can enter it directly in the Explore search box. If UCL has online access to the article, it will appear in your results list. You can also search for article titles in UCL's databases.
UCL subscribes to Browzine, a resource that allows you to organise UCL's academic journals in a browsable format, displayed on virtual bookshelves. Browzine is a great tool to help stay up to date with new content, and bookmark articles that you want to read in the future.