The Language and Speech Science (LaSS) Library holds a unique collection of approximately 850 tests for the assessment of speech and language development. Most of the tests are held on open access on the shelves at the back of the library reading room, but some psychology tests, such as the Wechsler scales and the British Ability Scales, are held on restricted access at the Library Desk. All tests can only be used by either qualified clinicians, or students under strict clinical supervision, and for this reason, their use is restricted to students and staff of UCL Psychology and Language Sciences, and members of the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists (RCSLT). Please note, RCSLT members must pay an annual fee to borrow any items from the library.
Tests come in various shapes and sizes. Some are simple checklists of words, others are kits containing toys and games for children, or pictures and objects for word recognition. As well as diagnostic tests, the collection contains other therapy resource materials. Most tests are available to be borrowed.
Tests are usually known by their acronym, e.g. the TROG: Test for the Reception of Grammar. They can be found by looking them up in Explore, in the same way as books, and are arranged in the cabinets by Dewey decimal classmark order followed by the acronym, e.g. 401.93 TROG.
The library subscribes to video streaming services, including Kanopy, which includes award-winning documentaries, training films and theatrical releases; Academic Video Online, which includes documentary films from Film Platform and the BBC Landmark video series; BFI Player, which includes subscribed feature films; and BoB National (Box of Broadcasts), a searchable database of TV and Radio broadcasts (including films).