Library Services
UCL staff and students have access to online map services, as well as physical map collections.
Digimap is an online service delivering maps and map data for Great Britain. It comprises several collections, including Ordnance Survey, historical, geological, aerial and environmental maps.
Maps can be generated and viewed online and data is available to download to use with appropriate software (GIS or CAD software).
Help with using Digimap, including FAQs and YouTube video demonstrations is available within the service from the Digimap Help Centre.
The Department of Geography Map Collection has maps that cover most of the world’s area including topographic and thematic maps, as well as a wide selection of atlases and flat sheets. It is located in the Anne Oxenham Map Room, LG13, 26 Bedford Way and is primarily for use by the UCL Department of Geography and other UCL students and staff.
This is the national map library of Great Britain, with a collection of over 4.25 million atlases, maps, globes and books on cartography dating from the 15th century to the present day. There is a large range of historical material and cartography, and the library collects all newly published British material as part of legal deposit, supplementing modern collections with donated maps and purchases of overseas maps.
You will need to apply for a reader pass to access the British Library Collections.
National Maritime Museum Library
Historical charts and maps are also held at the National Maritime Museum. The museum has a collection of manuscript and printed hydrography, cartography, written sailing directions and pilot books.
London Metropolitan Archive Map Collections
The maps holdings at LMA are an extensive collection of printed and manuscript maps and plans relating to London and surrounding areas. They are an important source for documenting the development of London. The collection includes historic, thematic, and decorative maps.