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Research Data Management

A guide on research data management for researchers at all levels

Data Management Plans help you plan

A data management plan can be a simple document that describes your plans for storage and security during the lifetime of your project which can be more detailed as the project continues or as you get involved in larger projects the plans become more detailed.

Here is a general idea of what can be included in a DMP:

Spider diagram of the elements of a DMP

We provide training on how to write a data management plan which run in person and online. You can book these sessions through the library skills workshops or if you are a PhD student you can also book the same sessions through the doctoral school webpages.

You can also complete our self-paced online module. You can find the link to access this on our training page of this guide.

The RDM team can provide feedback on any DMP sent to them via email but please allow for sufficient time before the deadline if part of a funding bid.