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Library Services




Saving results and searches

With a personal account you can save searches, alerts, lists of results and more.

Always access Scopus by linking through Explore or the UCL Library Services databases list to ensure full access to the database. You can then log in to your Scopus account to save searches, alerts and results. Logging in to your Scopus account will not necessarily give you access to the full database if you have not linked to it through Explore or our databases list.

Creating a Scopus account and logging in

To create an account, click on Create account at the top right of the search screen.

Note: If you are accessing Scopus from a device that is not on the UCL network, you will not be able to register or log in using the institutional log in. You are recommended to register by entering your email address. If using your UCL email address, click on Skip when prompted to register with institution.

To log in to your Scopus account, click on Sign in.

You have the choice to enter your email address or to sign in via your organisation. Unless you will only ever access Scopus on your device on the UCL network / VPN, we recommend you use the option to enter your email address. You will be prompted to enter your password. This is the Scopus password you created when you created your Scopus account, not your UCL password.

If you always use the email address login option, rather than the organisation login, you should always be able to log in regardless as to whether you are on the UCL network / VPN or not.

Saving searches and setting up alerts