Because your subject is multidisciplinary, you may need to explore several databases to locate the research you need.
Listed below are some databases focused on specific topic areas that may be useful for your research in Security and Crime Science.
You may also wish to consult other sources of information, such as grey literature. Click here to learn more.
Providing access to millions of articles from over 17,000 scholarly journals and other authoritative sources, including videos from BBC Worldwide Learning to thousands of podcasts and transcripts from CNN.
See the LibrarySkills@UCL guide to Web of Science. Defaults to a ‘Core Collection’ search, covering the main Web of Science journals database; select 'All Databases' option from the drop down menu to cross-search all of UCL's subscribed Web of Science products, including Biosis, MEDLINE etc.
Full text of over 100 publications from IEEE and IEE on electronic and electrical engineering and computer science. Accessibility statement for IEEE Xplore.
Inspec indexes journals and conference proceedings in the fields of physics, electrical engineering, electronics, computing, control engineering, manufacturing and production engineering, communications and information technology.
Covering U.S. and international criminal justice journals this database provides research support in criminal justice, law enforcement, corrections administration, drug enforcement, rehabilitation, family law, and industrial security. Accessibility statement for ProQuest.
Delving into conflicts, policies, and relationships that have impacted the global arena throughout modern history this collection includes video, personal papers, organizations, government documents, journals, reports, monographs, and speeches. Accessibility statement for Security Issues Online.
Offering over 1000 titles with the majority full-text. This database covers core disciplines across the social sciences including sociology, social work, anthropology, politics and features journals from over 50 countries.
This database offers an extensive selection of documents that explore the complexities and interpret the nature of social behavior and organization. Particular care has been taken to index this material so that it can be searched more thoroughly than ever before. The current release features more than 150,000 pages of content by major theorists.
See the LibrarySkills@UCL guide to EBSCOhost. Sociology research database, which features more than 2.1 million records with subject headings from a 20,000+ term sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and expert lexicographers. Containing full text for more than 860 journals dating back to 1908, 830 books and monographs, and over 16,800 conference papers.
This Indexing and Abstracting database covers the international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Pulled from nearly 2,000 serial publications, including journal articles, conference papers, books, dissertations.
Covering the international literature of sociology and social work this collection provides full-text coverage of many core titles indexed in Sociological Abstracts and Social Services Abstracts. Includes hundreds of full text scholarly journals and over 500 recent full-text doctoral dissertations on sociology.
Statista is an online portal for statistics consolidating statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources and covering over 170 different industries. UCL users do not have access to the Company database or the Global Consumer Survey. The Research AI assistant can provide useful insights into Statista data, but be aware of the limitations of using generative AI for your academic work.
The UK Data Service is a comprehensive resource funded by the ESRC to support researchers, teachers and policymakers who depend on high-quality social and economic data. Registration is required if you wish to download, order or analyse data online, where this is possible. Use your UCL username and password.
On access users should follow the link and Browse the site or create an account and Login to to save searches, set email alerts, tags and bookmarks and set up key sources lists. Overton is the world’s largest collection of policy documents, parliamentary transcripts, government guidance and think tank research
Access to more than 24 million pages of curated, high quality policy reports, briefs, analyses, working papers, and datasets from thousands of policy organisations including IGOs, NGOs and think tanks. Please view this short video introducing the platform and features.
Full text of all papers issued by the House of Commons from 1715-present (with supplementary material back to 1688), House of Lords and Public Petitions to Parliament. These are the working documents of government for all areas of social, political, economic, and foreign policy. Fully searchable digitized images of original documents. Accessibility statement for UK Parliamentary Papers (ProQuest).
Access for UCL students and staff only. Links to Westlaw International and Westlaw US have now been added to the 'Browse by Topic' menu. Users need to register with their name and UCL email address on initial login. Information will be processed by Westlaw in accordance with their privacy policy. Primary/secondary law and current awareness service for UK legal, regulatory and academic markets.
See the LibrarySkills@UCL guide to Ovid. PsycARTICLES is a database of full-text articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association, the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association, and Hogrefe Publishing Group.
See the LibrarySkills@UCL guide to Ovid. Database of "grey" literature relating to psychology, behavioral sciences, and health. Full-text is available for the majority of records. Coverage consists primarily of material written for professionals but disseminated outside of peer-reviewed journals.
ProQuest Psychology Journals provides abstracts and indexing for more than 650 titles, with over 540 titles available in full text. Also includeed are 4,000 full text dissertations representing a range of psychology disciplines.
See the LibrarySkills@UCL guide to Ovid. Index of literature in psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines.
This list is not exhaustive. We encourage you to consult other Subject Guides as needed.
The following Subject Guides may be beneficial for your studies in Computer Science: