Ministry of Economic Development of Russian Federation“The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (Economy Ministry of Russia) is the federal executive body responsible for developing state policy and providing regulation in the sphere of analysis and forecasting of socioeconomic and business development, including medium-sized and small businesses, foreign economic activity (except for foreign trade), property relations, insolvency (bankruptcy) and financial recovery, evaluation activities, land-related transactions (except for agricultural lands), the State Register of Real Estate, state cadastral record-keeping and cadastral activity, state cadastral valuation of land, state monitoring of land (except for agricultural lands), state registration of rights to real estate, geodesy and cartography, state statistical activities, investment activities and state investment, development of interstate and federal target programs (long-term target programs), departmental target programs, development and implementation of programs for Russia’s socioeconomic development, creation and maintenance of special economic areas in the Russian Federation, management of state material reserves, placement of orders for the delivery of goods, and the performance of work and services for state and municipal purposes.”
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