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Library Services



Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP)

Using other UCL libraries

Did you know you can use the spaces and collections at any of UCL's 17 libraries? The libraries you might need to use include:

  • Science Library, Malet Place: the main space for Science and Engineering collections,  includes Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, and also Geography, Anthropology and Management.
  • Main Library, Wilkins Building: Includes Economics, Public Policy, Law (including Crime Science).
  • Bartlett Library, Upper Woburn Place: Architecture and Town Planning.
  • Institute of Education, Bedford Way: in addition to Education they have a strong multidisciplinary collection including social science and public policy material.

When you check a book's location on UCL Explore, it will tell you which library it is located at. Most of UCL's libraries are located in the Bloomsbury Campus.
See more details about these libraries and their opening hours on the Library Services webpages

Other Libraries

To check if other libraries have the item you are looking for try Library Hub Discover,  an online catalogue that searches UK research and university libraries.

Libraries you can access as a UCL member:

Borrowing items from other libraries

The Inter Library Loan service can be used to request items not available in any of the UCL Libraries. This can be books to borrow or receiving a copy of an article or book chapter.  A small charge per item may apply, see website for details and how to request an item.