A textword or keyword search will retrieve articles that contain your search term somewhere in the record. To carry out a comprehensive search you should search for textwords as well as searching for subject headings.
Enter a word or phrase into the search box and make sure the "Map term to subject headings" box is NOT ticked.
The following tips can help with textword searching:
Phrase searching:
- Ovid automatically searches for multiple words as a phrase. If you type social anxiety Ovid will search for the exact phrase, where the two words appear next to each other and in the order that you typed them. To search for multiple words, but not as a phrase, you should type AND in between the words. If you type social AND anxiety Ovid will search for both words, but not necessarily next to each other.
- Ovid will automatically replace a hyphen with a space. If you type socio-economic status, Ovid will also find the phrase socio economic status, with a space in place of the hyphen. However, it will not find socioeconomic status, where socioeconomic is a single word. You would need to type socio-economic status or socioeconomic status to include both variants in your search.
- To search for a phrase which includes the words and or or you must enclose the phrase in quotation marks. If you type vomiting and diarrhoea Ovid will search for both words, not necessarily together; but if you type “vomiting and diarrhoea” in quotation marks Ovid will search for “vomiting and diarrhoea” as a phrase.
Truncation and wildcards
- The dollar sign $ or the asterisk * can be used to represent any number of alphanumeric characters at the end of a word. E.g. therap$ finds therapy, therapies, therapist, etc.
- The hash symbol # represents just one alphanumeric character in the middle or at the end of a word. E.g. wom#n finds woman or women.
- The question mark ? represents 0 or 1 alphanumeric character in the middle or at the end of a word. E.g. colo?r finds color or colour.
Proximity searching:
Select a field:
- It can be helpful to search for a word in a particular field. View a list of the available fields and their search codes in the Search Fields tab. E.g. to search for a word in the author field in Medline, type smith.au. If you do not specify a field, most Ovid databases will default to a search in the title, abstract and keywords fields. This is indicated by the search code .mp. which stands for 'multiple purpose'. Alternatively, use the Multi-field search option to select a particular field in which to search.