Library Services
You can search for books and e-books simultaneously through the Library catalogue, Explore, which is the principal tool for finding books, journals and other materials held in UCL libraries (whether in print or electronic format).
The print collection is located on the 1st floor of the UCL Main Library and is arranged by subject in accordance with Garside, UCL's own classification scheme. Each book has a shelfmark on the spine which consists of the name of the collection, followed by a letter and number indicating the subject, and the first three letters of the author's surname.
The sequence begins with books on ancient history generally (ANC. HIST. A) and the ancient Near East generally (ANC. HIST. B), arranged by topic. These sections are followed by books on the history of specific geographical regions, for example Mesopotamia (ANC. HIST. D), Persia & Iran (ANC. HIST. F), Greece (ANC. HIST. P) and Rome (ANC. HIST. R).
E-books are catalogued individually and may be accessed directly through Explore. There's further information about finding, using and citing e-books in our e-books guide.
Materials relevant to the study of Ancient History can also be found in the following Library collections:
The Institute of Archaeology Library houses collections relating to the following subject areas:
A brief guide to finding and accessing e-books via UCL Explore.
Check out our Explore guide to find out more about how to use Explore for your research.
ReadingLists @UCL is an online service that gives students easy access to materials on their reading lists wherever they are, and allows academic staff to create and update their own reading lists.