Select the results that you wish to capture:
To view the selected results, select the Folder icon on the black menu bar at the top of the screen. In the Folder, select the results that you wish to output and then use the menu at the right of the screen to:
If you wish to save the results you have added to the Folder more permanently, you can create a free EBSCOhost account and, once you have signed in, the results in your Folder will automatically be stored.
To create an account:
When you subsequently return to an EBSCOhost database, you will be able to sign in and view any results that you previously added to your Folder. You can also create named custom folders to store your search results.
To create a custom folder:
The new custom folder will appear just below the New link at the bottom of the left hand column. You can select references that are in your Folder and use the Copy To and Move To buttons above the list of results to move those references into your new custom folder.
You will also be able to add individual search results to your custom folder using the folder to the right of the search result. The image to the right shows a custom folder called 'Anaesthesia'.
If you are working with large numbers of results and wish to export your entire set of search results:
Note: When EBSCOhost results are exported to a RIS file, ESBCOhost will automatically de-duplicate the results. You may notice a discrepancy between the total number of search results you retrieved and the total number of results included in the RIS file you have exported.
This video provides an introduction to using the EBSCOhost personal account (3 mins 13 secs).