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Library Services



LibrarySkills@UCL: Library skills essentials

A guide to foundation principles which are essential to building skills in all areas of information literacy and library skills.

Library skills essentials

To find and use information effectively to support your studies or research, it's important to first understand the nature of information, including types of information, and the processes involved in identifying, utilising, managing and communicating information. 

The skills required include the ability to:

  • define your information needs, including your research question or topic;
  • understand the types of information best suited to answering your research question;
  • identify the most appropriate sources for finding information.

"Subject librarians are the go-to experts in your area: they know the specialist literature and latest books published in the field, they have vast experience with research tools and online databases, and they can help you find your way in a new subject area with expert guidance and specialist knowledge."
Seth Anziska
Hebrew & Jewish Studies

Introducing library skills

The following videos are recordings of online sessions which introduce the skills required to undertake the library research process and outline the guidance, training and support available at UCL to enable students to develop those skills.