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This guide has been put together by the Subject Librarian for Management and it is relevant to all students in the UCL School of Management. You will find here an overview of the library resources and support available to you to help you in your studies or research.
Use the menu to find out what is available, including key information on:
Please get in touch through the help channels on this page if you have any enquiries!
Key electronic resources in your subject area include:
Users must access via Desktop@UCL or the UCL VPN. When using the database for the first time, register with a UCL email address to create a password. Click 'New user? Sign-up' to create an account when you have reached the UCL CB Insights portal. CB Insights tech market intelligence platform analyses millions of data points on venture capital, startups, patents, partnerships and news mentions. UCL users have access to Core Research, we don't have access to the Expert Intelligence content which appears with a padlock icon. The ChatCBI assistant can provide useful insights into the data, but be aware of the limitations of using generative AI for your academic work.