PubMed does not contain full text articles, but in some cases you can link through to them. Articles in PubMed where free full text links are available are indicated in the results list. Links to the full text can then be found when viewing the article in Abstract view.
When working on a UCL networked computer you will automatically see Findit@UCL links when viewing an article's abstract. The easiest way to see Findit@UCL links in PubMed, when working on non-UCL computers, is to access PubMed using this URL or via the entry for PubMed in the databases list.
Alternatively, you can create and modify a My NCBI account in PubMed with UCL preferences, as described below.
Log in to My NCBI and select NCBI Site Preferences at the top right. Under PubMed Preferences, click on Outside Tool. Select the radio button next to UCL (University College London) - Alma and then select Save.
Staff with an NHS OpenAthens account can look up full text of individual journal articles, using the PubMed Identifier (PMID), which is attached to each record. (It is typically an eight-digit whole number). Go to, and copy and paste the PMID (or DOI) to the LibKey link resolver website, and then click on 'Find article'. You will then be presented with full text options (e.g. download PDF).
Where OpenAthens does not provide access, NHS staff can visit their local library to access articles from UCL Library Explore Access Points (an unencrypted USB stick is required if you would like to save full text articles).
Where you see the Findit@UCL icon, click on it to link to the full text.
Sometimes you will see a link to the publisher's site. Unless the article is open access, you might find that you can't reach the full text.
Clicking on the Findit@UCL link instead will link you to the full text via UCL's subscription access, if available.