Publications data for UCL papers is ultimately all drawn from RPS, the Research Publications Service. Data is added here automatically from publishers/ORCID records, or manually by users, and then is fed to UCL systems such as Profiles and Discovery. The UCL publications dataset in InCites and Altmetric is also provided from RPS. Lastly, ORCID can be set up to integrate and take data from RPS. This means that any corrections made from RPS will flow through to these services.
RPS records are controlled and managed by individuals, and we encourage you to ensure your record is kept up to date.
If you are wanting to obtain a dataset of UCL papers for analysis, we recommend you download it via InCites rather than going via RPS directly, as the data is cleaner. However, it will omit some types of material (eg preprints and non-DOI material). If you need access to the underlying data, please contact us.
RPS is generally comprehensive after 2013; before 2013 it did not record all publications at UCL and is incomplete. However, there are known to be false positives - in some cases it includes "retroactive" papers from people who have moved to UCL and filled their older papers into the system. These can usually be filtered out within InCites (eg by saying they must also have "affiliation: UCL").