If you are citing a source with two authors, the surname of both of the authors should be listed in your in-text citation. You should keep the names in the same order as they are in the source.
The surname and initial(s) of both the authors should appear in the full reference for the source. Use a comma to separate them (as well as an ampersand).
The rest of the reference should follow the usual style for the type of source you are citing.
In-text citation:
(Reiss & White, 2013, p.6)
Reference list:
Reiss M.J., & White, J. (2013). An aims-based curriculum: the significance of human flourishing for schools. London: IOE Press.
If you are citing a source with three to five authors, cite all authors in the in-text citation the first time it occurs; after this only include the first author's surname followed by 'et al'.
The surname and initial(s) of all the authors should appear in the full reference for the source. Use commas to separate the authors and an ampersand before the last one.
The rest of the reference should follow the usual style for the type of source you are citing.
In-text citation:
(Rogers, Hallam, Creech & Preti, 2018) - first time
(Rogers et al., 2018) - subsequent references
Reference list:
Rogers, L., Hallam, S., Creech, A., & Preti, C. (2018). Learning about what constitutes effective training from a pilot programme to improve music education in primary schools. Music Education Research, 10(4), 485-497.
If you are citing a source with six or more authors, the surname of only the first person attributed as one of the source's authors should be included in your in-text citation, followed by the words 'et al'.
All the authors' surnames and initial(s) should appear in the full reference for the source (separated by commas) and with an ampersand before the last author.
The rest of the reference should follow the usual style for the type of source you are citing.
In-text citation:
(Battersby et al., 2018)
Reference list:
Battersby, C., Armus, L., Bergin, E., Kataria, T., Meixner, M., Pope, A., Stevenson, K. B., Cooray, A., Leisawitz, D., Scott, D. Bauer, J., Bradford, C. M., Ennico, K., Fortney, J. J., Kaltenegger, L., Melnick, G. J., Milam, S. M., Narayanan, D., Padgett, D., & Wiedner M. C. (2018). The Origins Space Telescope. Nature Astronomy, 2, 596-599.