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Education (Theory and Practice)

This guide focuses on UK education, with the collection mainly held at the IOE Library.


The IOE Library displays aim to showcase resources from a wide range of our collections, focusing on a specific theme each time. Our displays include both print and electronic material and offer suggestions for further independent research. 

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Current display: Dissertation Support

Writing a postgraduate thesis or dissertation: tools for success

Writing a Postgraduate Dissertation or Thesis provides key advice on how to write about a field of research, the tradition of methodology and methods undertaken, and the contribution to knowledge that is being made.

Doing your social science dissertation

The dissertation offers many challenges to those seeking to do it well and this guide is the perfect book for those seeking to succeed with their dissertation. This book takes students through the process of doing a dissertation from turning the raw ideas into a research question, designing the research project, choosing appropriate methods, developing a research proposal, planning and executing the project, working with data, writing up, and preparing the work for presentation.

One-to-one library support

If you require an individual consultation with a librarian, follow the link to this form so that your request can be directed to the most appropriate member of library staff. We will contact you as soon as possible to arrange a mutually convenient time for a consultation.

Real world research

Real World Research provides a clear route-map of the various steps needed to carry out a piece of applied research to a high professional standard. It is accessible to those without a social science background while providing rigorous and fully up-to-date coverage of contemporary issues and debates. It brings together materials and approaches from different social science disciplines, seeing value in both quantitative and qualitative approaches, as well as their combination in mixed-method designs. Robson's bestselling textbook is essential reading for many higher education courses, at both undergraduate, taught postgraduate and doctoral level, as well as practitioners and others carrying out research as part of their job.

How to do your literature review

This book will walk you through every step of crafting an excellent literature review. It will show you where to find sources, how to assess their quality, and how to combine and integrate these sources into the best possible literature review. From scoping the field to searching the literature to synthesising your findings, this book hits all the spots.

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Systematic review library guide

This guide provides an cross-disciplinary overview of systematic reviews and systematic literature searching, including both practical and conceptual considerations.


Critical thinking skills

Cottrell's student-centred approach demystifies critical thinking and breaks down a complex subject into manageable chunks. With clear explanations, relevant examples and plenty of exercises throughout, this book helps students to develop their analytical reasoning skills and apply them to a range of tasks including reading, note-making and writing. This text will turn even the most hesitant student into a proficient critical thinker.


You've just been assigned your very first university paper. Are you unsure of how to start? Do you feel stressed about failing, or are you worried that you'll have to pull all-nighters to get the work done? And what even is APA style? If you feel uncertain, stuck, or overwhelmed, be encouraged, because this book has the tools you need to get that assignment done. TL;DR's quick, concise chapters will help you identify your audience, create an outline, get a handle on grammar and sentence structure, correctly quote a source, and write a strong conclusion.

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Dissertation support library guide

This guide highlights useful information about our collections and services, and signposts to further academic support.


Qualitative Research

Written by leaders of qualitative methodology, this book provides up-to-date and interdisciplinary insight into a range of qualitative methods.Bringing together different perspectives, contributors discuss theoretical underpinnings of these methods before taking readers through the process of each approach and helping them develop skills needed to carry out this type of research autonomously and with confidence.

Creative research methods in education

This book is one of the first to demonstrate the enormous benefit creative methods offer for education research. You do not have to be an artist to be creative, and the book encourages students, researchers and practitioners to discover and consider new ways to explore the field of education. It illustrates how using creative methods, such as poetic inquiry, comics, theatre and animation, can support learning and illuminate participation and engagement.

Digital scholarship in education

This book is an essential guide to multimodal theses and dissertations (MTDs). Brendan Jacobs explains how MTDs provide new methodological options which can improve both the visibility and quality of research. They then provide a how-to guide for anyone interested in writing an MTD or engaging with digital scholarship.

Reflexive mixed methods research in comparative and international education : context, complexity, and transdisciplinarity

Responding to both the increase of mixed methods research (MMR) and the lack of dialogue about its philosophical and methodological practices in comparative and international education (CIE) this book offers readers an overview of different philosophical approaches to mixed methods, as well as the practical processes to engage in MMR with reflexivity. Comparing reflexivity to a kaleidoscope, the author describes how it can be used throughout the research process to engage with different paradigms and methods, as well as to integrate findings and consider emerging interconnections.

Making literature reviews work

This textbook guides the reader on how to undertake high-quality literature reviews, from traditional narrative to protocol-driven reviews. The guidance covers a broad range of purposes, disciplines and research paradigms. Whether the literature review is part of a research project, doctoral study, dissertation or a stand-alone study, the book offers approaches, methods, tools, tips and guidelines to produce more effective literature reviews in an efficient manner.

Student support and wellbeing

Our team of wellbeing, disability and mental health staff are ready to help with any concerns you may have.

The good writing guide for education students

Grappling with grammar? Worrying about referencing? This handy guide is packed with practical advice on how to search for reading materials, structure your academic writing, think critically, reference appropriately and use language effectively. 'Top Tips' throughout the book help eradicate all the common mistakes that bring your marks down.

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