These pages have been put together by your specialist library subject team to provide advice and resources to help with study and work in your subject area.
Born as the London Day Training College in 1902, over the years the UCL Institute of Education has grown to become a world-leading institution for research and training in Education and Social Sciences. The IOE library aims to support and reflect the ambitions of its parent organisation and at its core is a collection covering all aspects of educational theory, with a particular focus on the UK education system.
The collection continues to be developed in both print and electronic format and includes monographs, handbooks, grey literature, statistical publications, pamphlets and much more.
In this guide you will find information about searching and making the most of these resources, how to access further training on offer at UCL as well as details of other London libraries with significant Education collections. Please use the menu to see how the library can support your learning and research in the areas of Education and Social Sciences.
This is one of three guides dedicated to different aspects of education. To find out more, you can consult the following:
A large part of our print resources are kept on open shelves in the library and spread over three floors. These are arranged in different collections, with some bigger ones such as the Main Collection, as well as some smaller ones. We also hold plenty of material in our on-site and off-site stores, which can be requested in advance.
The collection also comprises an ever-increasing number of resources available in electronic format, which can be accessed remotely by all UCL students and staff. Some of the material is also available to external users, but this depends on type of resources and individual circumstances.
Please see below for some key books in your subject area:
And below are some key Education databases available in our collection:
The IOE Library organises regular displays on various themes related to Education and the Social Sciences, where we showcase our wonderful collections.
Check out what we've done so far and what we're planning to do in the next few months.
The UCL Electronic Resources blog includes information on new e-journals, e-books and databases. Follow the links below or visit the blog to learn more about our latest trials and different types of e-resources.