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Library Services




A subject guide for the Archaeology collections held in the Institute of Archaeology Library

How your librarian can support you

Two highly decorated gold dangly earrings

© Gold earrings with disk and boat-shaped pendants, c. 300 BC. Metropolitan Museum of Art, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons.

  • Have a question about referencing? Problems finding an article? Queries about your research or a literature review? 
  • You can email your librarian direct to ask any enquiry about library services and resources.
  • You can book a virtual appointment with your librarian for more in depth enquiries, for example to ask for help with literature searching. Email your librarian to request an appointment or fill out our individual consultation request form.
  • You can also suggest a book for the library.

Library Skills@UCL

Whether it's learning how to find books on shelves or getting advice on the best resources for your research, we're here to help. We provide training and support for your library skills and information literacy development.

Help with referencing

For help with referencing, see the Referencing and Reference management software pages in this guide. 

Help with academic writing


Writing support at the Institute of Archaeology 

The IoA Academic Writing support team is available to help UCL Institute of Archaeology students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, improve their academic writing skills through one-to-one sessions and a series of workshops that run throughout Term 1.  

IOA Study Skills Guide