Our guides, training and support enable you to develop your library and information literacy skills and make the best use of UCL’s libraries and resources.
Library and information literacy skills, knowledge and behaviours you develop at university are beneficial to you in your life beyond university, from the professional workplace to everyday living and participating in society.
All areas of life require a need for gathering information. In 'Library Skills Essentials' you will develop skills in identifying information to fit your need and identifying relevant information sources
From online shopping to finding information to support you in a professional capacity, effective search skills are key to successful living and working.
Understanding how to critically evaluate credibility and usefulness of information is more important than ever today, when we are faced with the challenges of disinformation and fake news.
In the modern world there is a vast quantity of information available, in all sorts of formats. Developing skills to credit your sources and manage the information you find is key to successful studies, research, personal and professional life,