On this page you can read about how to locate books for your subject, our key e-book collections for medicine, and other UCL libraries which contain relevant biomedical print books. Please also look at the links on the side of the page for information on searching our library catalogue, Explore.
Book collections for medicine are located in UCL's teaching hospital and specialist biomedical libraries.
The UCL library catalogue Explore is the principal tool to find books, journals and other materials (either in print or in electronic format) held in UCL libraries. In the catalogue you will find details about the locations of materials you are looking for including library site, collection and shelfmark for print books.
For Medical Students at the Whittington campus, books can also be found by searching the Whittington Health Library Catalogue.
You can access a wide range of e-books at UCL, which can be found by searching the Library catalogue, Explore.
For further help with finding, using and citing e-books, take a look at our Electronic books (e-books) Guide.
The collections below might be of particular interest to Medical students.
If you see a Choose organization pop-up, just click continue. You will need to login with an Elsevier account. If you don’t already have one please register with your UCL email address on initial login. Information will be processed by Elsevier in accordance with their privacy policy. Your UCL username and password are also required for off-site access.
To download books for offline reading use the ClincalKey Student Bookshelf app for iOS or Android.
Oxford Medicine Online is home to Oxford University Press' medical publishing, bringing together authoritative texts by world-renowned authors. Access is to titles owned by UCL, including the Oxford Textbook of Medicine, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine and works from the Mayo Clinic Scientific Press.
Other UCL libraries which specialise in biomedicine and health related topics include:
The Science Library contains the following collections relevant to medicine:
A brief guide to finding and accessing e-books via UCL Explore.
Check out our Explore guide to find out more about how to use Explore for your research.
ReadingLists @UCL is an online service that gives students easy access to materials on their reading lists wherever they are, and allows academic staff to create and update their own reading lists.