On this page you can read about the other libraries available and of interest to medicine and health.
The substantial teaching hospital libraries at the Royal Free and Bloomsbury campuses support all general medical specialities as well as specific clinical areas that are the focus for teaching and research at their partner NHS Trusts.
There are also specialist biomedical libraries at UCL covering child health, neurology, ophthalmology, orthopaedics, pharmacy and speech therapy.
UCL Medical Students have access to full library services at all of the UCL Medical School campuses, including at the Whittington Campus.
Library services are also provided for students on placement at District General Hospitals. Please check the local webpages for information on available library services at the District General Hospital you are on placement at, or contact UCL Library Services for further information.
To locate material not held by UCL you can use the Library Hub Discover site, an online catalogue with records of the holdings the top research libraries in the country.
A number of academic and research libraries are within walking distance of the Main UCL campus:
Medically qualified staff and medical students may find it useful to join the BMA and the RSM for access to their libraries.
Registered and student nurses may join the RCN Library.
Further information is available about your access to other libraries outside UCL, including libraries where special arrangements are in place