Is the Full Text Available?
When searching the ACM Full Text collection, all items will be available in full text. However, items from the ACM Guide to Computing Literature may only include an abstract and/or item metadata.
To check if full text is available, look for the blue eReader icon and red PDF icon. These icons can be clicked from both the result listing and the item record, allowing you to view and/or download the full text directly.

Full Text Unavailable
If you find an item where the full text is not available, follow the steps below:
- Search for the item in UCL Explore; you can watch the video to the right-hand side of this page for guidance.
- If available, click the DOI link in the item record. This may lead you to a freely accessible version of the article. If you are on campus or using the UCL VPN, it may also provide access to the full text behind a paywall.
If you are still unable to find the full text of the item, you can: