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Searching ACM Digital Library

ACM Digital Library has two main search options: the default search box on the home page and an advanced search.

Default home page search

This search box also appears in the upper right-hand corner on every page of the ACM Digital Library website. You can use Boolean (AND, OR, NOT) and parentheses to search (see Compiling a search string in our searching guide). It searches all fields in the database record and the full text if available for your terms. 

Advanced search

You can access the advanced search tool by clicking on 'Advanced Search' beneath the default search box on the home page.

Advanced Search

  • Choose to search either the ACM Full-Text Collection or the ACM Guide to Computing Literature. The ACM Guide to Computing Literature includes the ACM Full-Text Collection but also searches additional items where the full text is not included (see Accessing full text for more details).
  • Choose the field you want to search from the drop down menu, (e.g. Anywhere, Title, Author). Learn more about ACM Digital Library search fields in the box on the right-hand side of this page. 
  • To add additional rows to your search, click on the plus icon at the end of the first search row. Click the minus icon to remove search rows. 
  • You can use Boolean AND, OR and NOT to connect your search terms (see Search Techniques in our searching guide); boolean operators must be capitalised.
  • Each row added will be automatically connected in your search using AND.


Screenshot of advanced search in ACM Digital Library. Two search strings (detailed below) with "Anywhere" field selected.

Row 1: "machine learning" OR "artificial intelligence" OR "neural networks"
Row 2: "cyber crime" OR "computer crime" OR "cybercrime"

This search will look for:

Screenshot of search results page in ACM Digital Library. 1978 results have been returned by the search outlined below.

("machine learning" OR "artificial intelligence" OR "neural networks") AND ("cyber crime" OR "computer crime" OR "cybercrime")


The search tips on the ACM Digital Library Advanced Search page note that:

  • An AND relationship is automatically assumed across multiple rows
  • An OR relationship is automatically assumed across multiple terms in each row

It is recommended that you manually connect multiple terms on a row using OR to ensure accuracy, as relying on this assumed relationship can impact the number and relevance of your results.