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ACM Digital Library

Applying Filters

The advanced search tool in ACM Digital Library has several filters available to help you refine your search. 

To add, edit and remove filters scroll to the Filters section from the advanced search page, follow the below steps: 

  • Click the downward facing arrow on the left box to browse and select filters. See the box on the right-hand side of this page for more information about available filters. 
  • Type terms into the box on the left to add filters. ACM will suggest filters based on your terms - simply click to populate. You can add multiple terms if you wish. 
  • Click the downward facing arrow on the middle box to specify how you wish to search for these terms. Choose from 'Match All,' 'Match Any,' and 'Match None'. 

Match All: This option will only include results that meet all the selected criteria. For example, if you enter two CCS terms, only the papers that include both terms will be returned.

Match Any: This option will include results that meet any of the selected criteria. For example, if you enter two CCS terms, papers that include either one or both terms will be returned.

Match None: This option will exclude results that meet any of the selected criteria. For example, if you enter a CSS term, papers that include this term will be excluded from your results.


  • Click the plus arrow at the end of each row to add multiple filters. 
  • An AND relationship is assumed between rows, meaning only results which satisfy all filter conditions will be returned.

ACM Digital Library also allows users to add, edit and remove filters from the Results page, click here to learn more

Applying Date Limits

The advanced search tool also allows users to apply a date limit. To add, edit and remove date limits scroll to the Publication Date section on the advanced search page. 

  • The All Date checkbox will be ticked by default. This will return results from all time. 
  • If the Last checkbox is ticked, you will be required to select 'Past year,' 'Past 2 years' or 'Past 5 years' from the dropdown below. This will return results published in the time frame selected. 
  • You also have the option to enter a custom date range. Tick the Custom Range checkbox and amend 'From' and 'To' dropdowns below; you do not have to select months if not required. This will return results published in the time frame specified.