The advanced search tool in ACM Digital Library has several filters available to help you refine your search.
To add, edit and remove filters scroll to the Filters section from the advanced search page, follow the below steps:
Match All: This option will only include results that meet all the selected criteria. For example, if you enter two CCS terms, only the papers that include both terms will be returned.
Match Any: This option will include results that meet any of the selected criteria. For example, if you enter two CCS terms, papers that include either one or both terms will be returned.
Match None: This option will exclude results that meet any of the selected criteria. For example, if you enter a CSS term, papers that include this term will be excluded from your results.
ACM Digital Library also allows users to add, edit and remove filters from the Results page, click here to learn more.
The advanced search tool also allows users to apply a date limit. To add, edit and remove date limits scroll to the Publication Date section on the advanced search page.
Published in: Allows users to search within a specific journal or publication.
Artifact badges: The ACM Digital Library uses Artifact badges to indicate the quality and availability of research artifacts associated with published papers. These badges help users identify papers with reliable and accessible supplementary materials. View the full list of badges and their meanings here.
Funding agency: Allows users to narrow their search results based on the funding sources of the research
CCS: The ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) filter allows users to refine their search results based on ACM's index terms (also known as subject headings). If an item included in ACM Digital Library has index terms attached to it, they appear in a diagram at the bottom of the item record. This field will find index terms mentioned in any part of the index terms diagram. There are primary terms (in dark grey) and secondary terms (In light grey). You can see a list and more information on the ACM Digital Library's website.
Primary CCS: Allows users to refine results by primary index terms (in dark grey on the index terms diagram).
Publisher: Allows users to refine their search results based on the publisher of the content.