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ACM Digital Library

Exporting Results

To export results to a reference management software or as a text file: 

  • Tick the checkbox to the left of each result, or tick the 'Select All' checkbox at the top of the page 
  • Return to the top of the page and click the 'Export Citations' button
  • The 'Selected' tab will only export the references you have selected.
  • The 'All Results' tab will export all results returned by the search. 
  • Choose the appropriate export option: BibTex (for Mendeley or Zotero), EndNote, or ACM Ref (a text file formatted in the ACM Reference style). 
  • Click on the download icon to export.

ACM Digital Library Binder

The ACM Digital Library Binder is a feature that allows users to save, organise, and share collections of articles and other content from the ACM Digital Library. 

To access and use your binder, you will first need to set up a ACM Digital Library account.

  • Click on the 'Register' button in the top-right corner on any ACM Digital Library webpage 
  • You can use a personal or UCL email address; if you use a personal address, you will be able to access your binder after you leave UCL (you will not be able to access the full text of articles unless they are available open access)

Thereafter, you will need to login to your ACM Digital Library account each time you wish to access and use your binder. Simply click the 'Sign In' button in the top-right corner of any ACM Digital Library webpage, and enter your username and password on the 'Personal Login' tab. 


Saving to your Binder

To save resources to your Binder: 

  • Tick the checkbox to the left of each result, or tick the 'Select All' checkbox at the top of the page 
  • Return to the top of the page and click the 'Save to Binder' button 
  • Select which Binder you would like to save the results to, or create a new binder 

You cannot export all results at once, you need to do complete the above steps page by page. You can review a maximum of 50 results per page; click here for guidance on changing the number of results displayed on each page


Accessing and Navigating your Binder

Your binder can be accessed from any page on ACM Digital Library by clicking your name (displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen) and selecting 'My Binders' from the drop-down box. 

Your binder will contain 'My Reading List' binder by default. You can add new binders by clicking the '+ Create a New Binder' button.

There are several tools available from the 'My Binders' page or any open binder.

Screenshot of my binders page, with Create Binder button and action icons highlighted.

Screenshot of opened binder with action icons indicated

  • Export citation: this function will export all of the references in your binder to a reference management software or as a text file. 
  • Share binder: this function allows you to share your binder with someone else by entering their email address; that person will need to create an ACM Digital Library personal account to view the binder, and may not be able to access the full text of articles if they are not a UCL user. 
  • Duplicate binder: this will create a copy of your binder. 
  • Create PDF from binder: available along the top banner of any open binder, this will send a PDF document to the email address associated with your ACM Digital Library account. This document will contain bibliographic details associated with each saved resource, and the full text document where available. 

You can display 10, 20 or 50 items on each page; simply adjust the Per Page settings in your open binder. Items can be sorted by  Date Added, Title, or Custom Order (drag and drop the items into your preferred order).