This guide © 2024 by UCL - Library Skills is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
PolicyMap offers easy-to-use online mapping with data on demographics, real estate, health, jobs and more in communities across the US.
UK census longitudinal data can be found at:
Collen Programme Data: The Collen Programme has developed interactive data visualisation tools to help explore key statistics on fertility. Interactive graphics on international population statistics and specific country profiles for Sub Saharan Africa are also available.
Global Ageing Survey (GLAS) contains interviews with 44,000 people aged 40-80 in 25 countries drawn from Asia, Americas, Europe and Africa carried out in 3 waves. It comprises cross comparative modules with HRS and SHARE on health and retirement, explores attitudes, expectations and behaviours towards later life and retirement, including financial planning for retirement.
Future of Retirement is a series of corporate reports produced for HSBC by the Institute.