The Hebrew and Jewish Studies collection is located on the second floor (North end) of the Main Library. It is divided into two sections: Hebrew and Yiddish. The Hebrew section includes: Jewish history; Hebrew and other Jewish languages; Jewish literature, including biblical and rabbinic literature; Judaism; and Arts and Sciences. The Yiddish section includes: Yiddish language, literature and music as well as history, science and geography written in Yiddish.
UCL Explore is the principal tool to find books, journals and other materials (either in print or in electronic format) held in UCL's libraries. In Explore you will find the details with the location of the materials you are looking for: library site, collection and shelfmark. Roman letters are used for Hebrew script in the catalogue using the Library of Congress system. Records added since 2009 also include the original Hebrew and you can search for them using Hebrew characters.
The books are arranged according to the Garside Classification system, here is further information about the organisation in the Hebrew section and the Yiddish section.
On UCL Explore, you can look at the results of your search to quickly discover if a book is available in print or/and online: View Online means that the book is available electronically, while Available means that the book is available in print. In some cases a book is available both in print and online.
The Institute of Archaeology Library: for archaeology of the Middle East.
The Language & Speech Science (LASS) Library: for books and periodicals on the theory and practice of language study.
School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) library: for history of the Jews in central and eastern Europe.
The Library provides access to many important reference works online:
Many e-books are freely available online. One way to find these is the Directory of Open Access Books.
Other sources for free e-books include:
A brief guide to finding and accessing e-books via UCL Explore.
Check out our Explore guide to find out more about how to use Explore for your research.
ReadingLists @UCL is an online service that gives students easy access to materials on their reading lists wherever they are, and allows academic staff to create and update their own reading lists.