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LCCOS Staff Conference 2022


Front quadGood afternoon and welcome to the Library, Culture, Collections and Open Science staff conference website.

This year's theme is "Welcome to LCCOS" to celebrate the coming together of teams from Library, Culture, Collections and Open Science and we will be exploring the work of those teams to help us all get to know each other a bit better.

We hope you find the conference interesting, informative and useful. Please feel comfortable to get involved: ask questions and engage with your colleagues, especially those who are leading the sessions.

Additionally, we have a fantastic collection of digital presentations by LCCOS staff; posters, videos, and anecdotes showcasing the fantastic work our colleagues have been doing.

After the conference, please give us your feedback. We want to hear what you think so we know what to keep, lose or build on for next year. 

We really hope you enjoy your conference!

LCCOS Staff Conference Organising Committee