Traditionally, we would conclude the Library Services Staff Conference with a party for all staff, organised by the Library Social Group. This year, as we mark our first LCCOS Staff Conference online, we have decided to schedule a social event on campus the week after the conference. The reception will be an opportunity to meet colleagues from all parts of LCCOS, in many cases for the first time, and to catch up with colleagues you might not have seen for a while! It will be held on Thursday 21 July, exactly a week after the conference, between 15:30 and 19:30 on the Portico (accessible via the Flaxman Gallery).
The Library Social Group are organising this year’s event, with support from our caterers CH&CO to provide refreshments. Please book your place on Eventbrite by 14 July. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the first LCCOS Summer reception!