Once you've selected the results you want to save, you have a few different options.
To save results in the My Documents area of My Research you will need to create a ProQuest My Research account. The link for creating a My Research account is in the person icon menu at the top right of any ProQuest page. All you need to create an account is an email address and a password.
N.B. if you do not log in to ProQuest for a period of 76 days, you will be notified by email that your My Research account will become inactive after 90 days. Simply sign in to your My Research account to keep it active.
To save in the My Documents area, make sure you are logged in to your My Research account and tick the box next to the items in your results you want to save. Click on the Save to My Research folder icon on the right hand side below the search box, and click save. If you want to create a folder to save these items in, you can click on the Save in: dropdown before saving the documents.
You will now be able to view the ProQuest records for the items from the Documents section of the My Research area.
Once you've ticked the items you want, click on the three dots menu for All save & export options. There is an EndNote option for EndNote users but for all other reference management software, the RIS option will export the record for you.
Once you've ticked the results you want, click on the Email envelope icon. Choose the option you want:
You can also choose to add a bibliography at the end in the referencing style of your choice though the accuracy of these references is variable, depending on what metadata is provided for the item. Enter your own email address or for the person you want to send it to.
You can also export items to PDF, Word, Excel, Text file or print by clicking on the three dots menu for All save & export options. These mostly create similar documents to the email option, wih the exception of Excel where the item details only are exported into an Excel table.