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Library Services



Library Skills@UCL for NHS

A guide to information literacy and library skills for NHS staff from Trusts supported by UCL Library Services, to inform clinical practice, study and research.

Getting the full text - NHS

There are a few different ways you can get through to the full text of an article. The quickest and easiest way is via the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub. Some additional options are introduced below.

Access to full text from the Hub

LibKey Nomad

libkey nomad download PFD iconLibKey Nomad is a browser extension which will link to the full-text articles of journals which your trust has access to, as well as open access journals. It is freely downloadable for main browsers.

If you're looking at a web page such as PubMed (example screenshot below), Wikipedia, or publisher pages, you will see the LibKey Nomad icon, giving you access to the PDF or suggesting other access options.

pubmed search result showing libkey nomad button

If you find an article, for example online, you can quickly check your access to full text with your NHS Athens credentials, by using the website

Copy the DOI or the PubMed ID

New England Journal of MEdicine article  Pubmed search result for an article

Paste the DOI or PubMed ID into to check access to full text. You will need an NHS OpenAthens account to obtain full text. home page