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Library Services



Library Skills@UCL for NHS

A guide to information literacy and library skills for NHS staff from Trusts supported by UCL Library Services, to inform clinical practice, study and research.

Putting it into practice

Now you understand some common techniques to make your search more effective, let's consider how you apply them to the resources.

Here are some tips:

  • Search techniques are often helpful for carrying out more complex or detailed searches on bibliographic databases.
  • Other resources, such as clinical decision support tools, are more suited to a much simpler search with one or two key words.
  • Some resources are designed to be browsed rather than searched - e.g. BrowZine.
  • The more complex your search, the more likely it is you'll need to use searching techniques.
  • Refer to the individual pages for searching health evidence.

Most importantly,

  • not all resources support the use of techniques - this might affect the accuracy of your results, or lead to an error message;
  • always make sure you know where to find the help pages or search rules for the resource you are using. If you have questions you can always contact the library.