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Best practice guidance: library skills videos

A guide to creating library skills videos

Where to host your video

The preferred platform for hosting videos to embed in our online library skills guides is UCL MediaCentral. However, where a video is to be embedded in an academic Moodle course, or to be shared with other library staff, you might prefer to upload your video to Microsoft Stream. Please note that Microsoft Stream is not intended for this purpose, and ISD prefer all videos to be in UCL MediaCentral.

Microsoft Stream can also be used for adding and editing automated captions. Captions can also be edited once your video and captions file are uploaded to UCL MediaCentral.

If you are producing a video for an externally hosted platform, such as a conference, you may need to upload or send a file of your video. A standard format for downloaded video files is MP4 although Apple products usually produce a .mov file. Most platforms should accommodate both file types, but if you need to convert the file to a different type, Daniel Kordik or the Library web team may be able to advise.