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Mendeley Desktop

Guide to using Mendeley Desktop reference management and social citation sharing software

Mendeley Cite-O-Matic: selecting a citation style

You can choose which citation style, also known as referencing styles or output styles, you want Mendeley to use to format your citations and references.

Your citations will be formatted according to the style indicated in the Cite-O-Matic Style drop-down box. To select a style

  • Click on the drop-down menu to view a list of installed styles. If the style you need is not listed, click on More Styles to see further options
  • Click on the Get More Styles tab and search for the style you need. 
  • Select the required style from the list of results and click on Install to add it to the Installed Styles

get more styles menu with style selected

  • Click on the Installed tab and choose your style. Click on Use this style.The name of the style will become shaded in green. Click on Done. You will now see your chosen style indicated in the Cite-O-Matic Style drop-down box in Word.