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Mendeley Desktop

Guide to using Mendeley Desktop reference management and social citation sharing software

Mendeley Desktop: journal title abbreviations

It is important to ensure you use consistent journal names in your bibliography or reference list. Some referencing styles require journals to be listed with their full title, and others require the abbreviated title e.g. J Biol Chem.   

To make it easier to manage journal names and to generate correct citations, Mendeley Desktop uses an abbreviated journal title if that is required by the rules of the style you have chosen. 

The software does this by using a built-in list of journal names and associated abbreviations. This is generated automatically by the software and should cover most publications.

If the auto-generated abbreviations do not match the output that is required then you can edit the abbreviations in Mendeley Desktop. 

  • From within Menderley Desktop, open the View menu, choose Citation Style, then choose Journal Abbreviations... at the bottom of the list.

mendeley journal abbreviations view menu

  • The Citation Styles menu will open, listing the journal names that are currently in use in your Mendeley library, along with the auto-generated abbreviations.
  • Double-click on any abbreviation if you need to edit it. 
  • Note the Include periods tick-box at the bottom of the menu, this can be used to switch periods on or off, depending on your requirements.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Mendeley journal abbreviations