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Reading Lists @ UCL

A guide for UCL teaching and academic staff.

Link your reading list to Moodle

Most students find their online reading list through Moodle.  There are two ways to include lists in your Moodle course.

  1. Library Resources Block
  2. 'Reading list' Activity 

Library Resources block

The 'Library Resources' block links to one or more reading lists in their entirety.

  • The block appears to the side of your main Moodle content and contains a number of Library links. It can be configured to display one or more reading lists.
  • The link is stable and requires no annual maintenance.  
  • It is strongly recommended.
  • Guide to add the Library Resources block (PDF document)

'Reading list' activity

This integration enables you to embed a particular list, or parts of your list, within the body of your Moodle course.

  • Tutors find this helpful when they wish to highlight a few resources at a time, for example weekly readings, in specific Moodle sections.
  • To use this activity you will need to have first arranged set up your reading list and organised it into sections (e.g. Week 1, Week 2, or by topic).
  • Note this requires some maintenance in advance of each new academic year (see FAQ / Maintenance).
  • This is an optional integration.
  • Guide to embedding your Reading List in Moodle (PDF document)
  • Guide to embedding your Reading List in Moodle (video, UCL Login required)

Digital Education has further guidance on the ReadingLists@UCL to Moodle integrations.