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Library Services




A guide for UCL teaching and academic staff.

Annual ReadingLists@UCL Rollover

Each summer the reading lists have a new copy made for the new academic year, much like the Moodle snapshot.

  • Reading lists have an exact copy made for the coming academic year, which will publish immediately
  • The previous version will archive, which means it will disappear from public view but can be found and re-used in future years if needed
  • Students will have continuous access to their reading lists: there is no down time for viewing lists
  • Editing rights remain constant, so list editors are able to edit the new lists as soon as they appear
  • Reading lists already set up with the near year time stamp are unaffected.

What do you need to do?

  • Subscribe to the ReadingLists@UCL blog for notice before the event; or look out for communications from your subject liaison librarian.
  • Unpublished changes do not copy forward into the new list.  To save changes, keep your list published.
  • The Moodle ‘Library resources’ block needs no maintenance and will continue to link to the most recent year’s list. 
  • The optional integration ‘Reading list items’ requires checking and possibly some re-linking of resources, particularly after the reading list has been updated for the new year (see below).

This is a good time to request that lists from old modules are archived, new lists set up, or current module names amended.

Integration with Moodle

After the annual ReadingLists@UCL rollover, the ‘Reading list items’ Moodle integration may require a small but important amount of maintenance to maintain the links. Check and re-link in the following way:

If the whole list is being displayed in Moodle

  1. Look beneath the title at the ‘academic year’ date. If last year’s list is displaying there will be a notice ‘This list relates to the academic year xxx which ended on xxx.’  Followed by a link to the newer version of the reading list.
  2. To mend links:  look above the reading list title to find the prompt ‘Relink?  To change the linked list or section click here’.  You will be invited to log in, then use the search box to re-enter the reading list module code and select the relevant reading list.

If a section of the list has been embedded in Moodle

  1. It might not be immediately obvious that links are to the older list, so test a few of the readings by clicking on one or two of the ‘Online resources’ buttons and resource titles.
  2. If you are unsure it is very quick to re-link – at any time of year.  Look above the section title to find the prompt ‘Relink?  To change the linked list or section click here’.  You will be invited to log in, then use the search box to re-enter the reading list module code, select the relevant reading list, and then select the relevant section title.