Access to EndNote requires a licence, so access varies depending on your status.
UCL students and staff can access EndNote Desktop on the UCL application store from all UCL networked computers or remotely via Desktop@UCL Anywhere. UCL students and staff also have access to the full version of EndNote Web.
UCL staff on standalone (not Desktop@UCL) computers, may need to download EndNote Desktop from the UCL Software Database. This requires a UCL computer username and password.
UCL staff and students can access EndNote on their own home computer through Desktop@UCL Anywhere (on the UCL application store) or by downloading it from the UCL Software Database. See the software database entry for EndNote (including installation instructions).
UCL's institutional desktop licence for EndNote allows UCL students and staff to download EndNote for use on their own PC or Mac, from the UCL Software Database. This requires your UCL computer username and password. By downloading the software you are agreeing to UCL's Standard Terms and Conditions with Home Use and Restrictions.
GOSH currently has a licence for EndNote Desktop. The licence covers installation on both GOSH and personal computers.
The Joint Library of Ophthalmology has purchased an EndNote licence for MEH Staff. The licence allows you to install EndNote Desktop on personal computers. We will provide access on the basis of your current needs. Please email the Joint Library of Ophthalmology outlining your need to use EndNote at this time and the specific projects you are undertaking now.
NHS staff working at Trusts affiliated to UCL, other than Great Ormond Street Hospital or Moorfields Eye Hospital, only have access to EndNote Online Classic. NHS staff who register with UCL libraries can access an enhanced version of EndNote Online Classic as part of the UCL licence. To do this:
To use EndNote Desktop, NHS staff need to purchase an EndNote licence.