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Guide to using EndNote reference management software

Creating a new EndNote library - Windows

  • Open EndNote Desktop software by searching or browsing for the software, or using the UCL application store, if you are on a Desktop@UCL student or staff computer. You may see dialogue boxes advertising related products or updates. You may just close these. 
  • When the software opens, you will be prompted to Open an existing library, or to Create a new library. If you do not see these prompts, go to the File menu and select New.
  • Choose a name for your library and save it in a file location of your choice, such as your C drive, or the hidden drive if working on a student UCL-networked computer.
    • Never save your EndNote library on a cloud drive (e.g. OneDrive) as it will almost certainly become corrupted.
    • There is a risk of performance issues or of EndNote libraries becoming corrupted if saved on a network drive, so it is recommended to save your library to the C drive.
    • On student UCL-networked computers, the C drive is wiped every time you log out, so you should save your library to the hidden drive (see instructions below).
    • Always back up your library.

You are advised to create only one EndNote library, which will contain all the references for your multiple assignments or pieces of work. If you create separate libraries for each piece of work it may cause problems when using EndNote with Word as it will not know in which library your references are stored and can result in duplicate references in your reference list.  

You can organise your library effectively for different pieces of academic work by using groups.

Saving your library to the hidden drive on Desktop@UCL computers

On student UCL-networked computers, the C drive is wiped every time you log out, so you should save your library to the hidden drive. 

To save an EndNote Library to the hidden drive on Desktop@UCL computers and Desktop@UCL Anywhere:

  • Launch EndNote from the UCL application store.
  • Choose to Open an existing library (e.g. from the C drive or external storage device) or Create a new library.
    If you want to save an existing library to the hidden drive, go to the File menu and select Save a Copy...
  • Enter the following file location in the folder path address location box at the top of the New reference library window:
    Replace 'UCLuserid' with your own UCL user id.
    This will open the location on the hidden drive.
    Screenshot of file path location to open or save EndNote library in Desktop@UCL
  • Choose a name for your library and click on Save.

Next time you access your library, it may open automatically when you launch EndNote from the UCL application store, or you may be able to open your library from the File menu, and then Open Recent. If your library is not listed in the Open Recent files, you may need to:

  • Go to the File menu and select Open Library...
  • Enter the following file location in the folder path address location box at the top of the New reference library window:
    Replace 'UCLuserid' with your own UCL user id.
  • You should now be able to see your library that you previously saved to the hidden drive, select it and click on Open.

It is always recommended to back up your library or synchronise it with EndNote Web as a backup.

Creating a new EndNote library - Mac

If you are new to EndNote, and have not created an EndNote library previously, you must create a library after successful installation of the software on your Mac. EndNote for Mac does not automatically prompt you to create a new library to open on first use. On Windows, it does. This is one of the key differences for new users of the software on Macs and Windows. 

To create a new EndNote library on a Mac:

  • In EndNote, go to the File menu and select New.
  • In the Save As box, give your EndNote library a meaningful name.
  • Check the box next to Save as Package (see the instructions on the Mac FAQs page which explains the importance of this).
  • Click Save.
  • You should save your new EndNote library file to either the desktop or the documents folder of your Mac computer. You should not save it to your Apple iCloud drive or your UCL OneDrive as you risk corrupting your library if you save it to these cloud-based locations.

When you subsequently open the EndNote application, your new library will open automatically.

Closing your EndNote library

Your EndNote library is automatically saved so you can just close the library or the application. If you edit a reference you will be prompted to save it before closing.

Backing up your library

It is good practice to back up your EndNote library, particularly if you save your EndNote library on your C drive, where there is no automated backup, or on a network drive, such as the hidden drive on Desktop@UCL computers and Desktop@UCL Anywhere, as EndNote files on network drives often become corrupted. You are therefore advised to back up your library to a USB flash drive or external hard drive. Do not save your library in cloud storage such as Dropbox, OneDrive, Box, SugarSync, etc. as this can easily cause them to become corrupted. You can, however, backup your library to cloud storage by saving it as a 'compressed' library; you must then transfer it to your C drive before attempting to open it - please see instructions below.

Synchronising your library with EndNote Web also provides a backup, but it is still advisable to make regular back-ups of your library in case your online storage is insufficient to store associated full text files or EndNote Sync fails to work successfully. 

An EndNote library is made up of a library file (.enl) and a data folder (.data). Your library will not work unless both are saved together in the same place with the same name. To ensure you back up correctly it is therefore advisable to use the save options available within EndNote.

  • In EndNote, go to the File menu and select Save a copy or Compress Library (.enlx). 
  • Navigate to the location where you wish to back up your files. 
  • EndNote will automatically append ‘Copy’ to the file name, but you can re-name the file if you wish. 
  • Click on Save.

Compressed libraries (.enlx) are unlikely to corrupt so can be saved to network drives, cloud storage, as well as sent by email (assuming they are not overly large). Always transfer a compressed library to your C drive before opening.

Data restoration features

Restoration of your library

EndNote 21 has a new data restoration function, which enables you to recover your library from the cloud if your desktop library has become corrupted, and if you have enabled Sync with EndNote Web. If your library cannot be opened, you will see a prompt to recover from the Synced version, whereby EndNote will refresh your library using the EndNote Web version. If your library has not been synced, EndNote will attempt to recover the desktop version.

Restoration of a single reference

The single reference restoration feature enables you to compare and restore previous versions of individual references to correct any accidental mishaps. 

  • Click on the Edit tab in the right hand pane for the reference you wish to restore.
  • Click on the Compare versions button at the top of the right hand pane. A new window opens which displays the current and previous version of the reference. The earlier version appears on the right, and the dates of the version are displayed at the top of the window.
  • Click on the Use this version button at the top of the window to update the entry using the earlier version. Otherwise just close the window to keep the newer version.