EndNote Web (or EndNote Online) is a web-based version of the EndNote application. You can use it to collect references anywhere you are logged on to the Internet. The most up-to-date version of EndNote Web is available exclusively to EndNote 21 Desktop users. Other EndNote users can use the EndNote Online Classic version. EndNote 21 users can also continue to use EndNote Online Classic if preferred, or to access features only available in the classic interface. View a comparison chart from Clarivate of the online versions.
If you have personal or institutional access to EndNote Desktop, your online account can be synchronised to your desktop account. If not, a free basic version of EndNote Web is available to everybody. This means that your references will still be available to you if you leave UCL.
To access EndNote Web for the first time, you need to create an account. If you already have a Web of Science account, you should use the same login details.
Once registered you can log on directly to EndNote Web:
Once you leave UCL, you will retain the full version of EndNote Web for 3 years after you first synchronised it with EndNote 21 Desktop, and you will retain the full version of EndNote Online Classic for 12 months after you last synchronised it with EndNote Desktop, after which it will revert to EndNote Basic. You will not lose any references.
To check which version of EndNote Online Classic you are using, go to the Options menu, then Subscription.
The instructions in this guide refer to EndNote Web, the new version accessible via the UCL institutional licence when you synchronise your EndNote 21 Desktop library. For instructions on using EndNote Online Classic, please refer to our guide to EndNote 20.
If you register for an Endnote Web account from Endnote 21 Desktop on a UCL computer, you can access the full online version.
If you register for an Endnote Web account from Endnote 21 Desktop on a GOSH computer or personal computer, you can access the full online version.
It is best to create your EndNote Online Classic account whilst using a UCL Explore Access Point computer in the library, in order to get an enhanced version.
You can use Endnote Online Classic from a non-UCL computer for up to twelve months, after which you should log on at a UCL computer to have the twelve month roaming access re-set.
This overview video from Clarivate provides a quick look at the EndNote Web platform, exclusively available to EndNote 21 users. (3 min 09 secs)